Nine: Hicksville, New York.

This is a grim photo. I won't deny it. I pushed the ISO to 6400, which allowed me to shoot in low light but gave the print its grainy texture. I also left the monochrome setting on and didn't shoot RAW. I often shoot monochromes in the RAW setting because it lets me have the best of both worlds. I can see the photos contract better in black & white and when I get home I can convert to color. I just had turned the RAW off on this shot, so all I have is the sepia print.

I'm not all that disappointed though. I had spent a week riding the Long Island Rail Road to and from Penn Station starting in Ronkonkoma every morning. It's a hard slog, yet the trains were filled with people who do it every day. I wonder if they pay more in NYC than they do every where else because the average price of a ticket is $35 roundtrip. I am not sure what monthly passes cost, but it has to be a lot more than Boston.

Anyway, after a week of that, this photo seemed to sum the whole process up:

A Long Island Rail Road commuter train leaves Hicksville bound for New York's Penn Station.


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