Six: Maryland Feb. 25, 2015

I had to shoot this through a tear in a chain-link fence. The grass was too far out of reach for me to push it out of the way. I wanted the cramped nature of the CSX yard under I-95 to come across and I think it works here. I am also glad that I managed to get a shot from Maryland that wasn't in Cumberland. (Don't get me wrong, I like Maryland, but in recent years I have been just grabbing a locomotive in Cumberland and calling it a day.)

This second one is from an old reliable spot -- Havre de Grace, Maryland. Northbound Amtrak Regional Express train 134 crosses the Susquehanna River. This is one of my old reliable spots, though, I haven't been here in ages. I am always surprised how long it takes me to fiddle with the camera and how fast the trains move.


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