Three: Texas April 17-18. 2017
Slow start? How about no start? That's how it feels this year. Maybe it is the years creeping up on me. Maybe I should stop whining. Ha! This photo sums up the way the year has been going. I took it north of Houston at a small BNSF yard. It was actually quite a big darker than the photo would suggest. The marvels of modern cameras.
I didn't have much time or opportunity to grab any train photos. Yes, in Houston, I didn't have many opportunities. I realize how ridiculous this sounds because Houston is one of the train capitals of the world. But, be that as it may, this was pretty much one of the best true railroad photos I got and it isn't much.
But! (And there always is a but.) I did have a chance to grab some more pictures of Houston's nice trolley system.
A downtown tram on a quiet Sunday night. I don't find downtown Houston a warm and inviting place. It seems stark and the concrete just adds to it. The trolleys almost seem out of place. Yet they are futuristic and modern in their own way, so it works.
I didn't have much time or opportunity to grab any train photos. Yes, in Houston, I didn't have many opportunities. I realize how ridiculous this sounds because Houston is one of the train capitals of the world. But, be that as it may, this was pretty much one of the best true railroad photos I got and it isn't much.
But! (And there always is a but.) I did have a chance to grab some more pictures of Houston's nice trolley system.
