Keifuku Randen

The Keifuku Randen line is an electric railway in Kyoto, Japan. I came across it when My Little Helper noticed a small electric train in a shop window with a cartoon drawing of a woman on it. We did a little research and found out the train was actually an ad for cookies. Or so I have come to believe. You can see a photo of the train here: Cookie Train.

Anyway, on closer inspection I discovered that the Keifuku line is one of Kyoto's remaining tram systems. It runs on the west side of the city and passes by a number of tourist locations. There are two branches. One is double tracked and the other single tracked. The interesting thing about the single track line is that it passes through a grove of cherry trees. At the height of the cherry blossom season, the trains actually roll through this stretch of track at a much slower speed than usual so people can enjoy the sight. You can see an example of that here: Cherry BlossomTunnel.

Long-time readers of this blog know that I have a soft spot for Japanese trains and trams. I have never been to Japan, but I definitely plan on it one of these days. In the meantime, I take advantage of all the fine photographers and videographers who post their work on the web. If you folks ever wonder if anyone appreciates what you do, well, you can rest easy that at least one person does.

On a side note, I haven't been posting as much lately as in past years. I hope to remedy that in coming weeks. I have a new PC and I am currently going through many of my old photos. I have a lot of material from across the U.S., Canada, as well as some European countries. I will be making an effort to get a lot of it up there soon. In the meantime, take care.


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