Twenty-one: Maine

It was dark out and I didn't know when I would be coming back, so I took the shot hoping I would be able to salvage something when I got home. This is the view of Rigby Yard off the Rte. 1 bridge in South Portland, Maine just as the sun is setting on a nice October afternoon. October 8, 2011 to be precise.
Rigby Yard at sunset.

Sometime in the 1990s -- I am not exactly sure when 1995 or 1996 -- I had a chance to take a passenger train from North Station in Boston to Portland, Maine.This is before they restored the Downeaster Service between the two cities, in fact this was to promote the feasibility of that service. The train used Talgo equipment, if I am remembering it right. The cars were designed for high-speed service and the trip that day was anything but high speed, so at times it felt like we were on the high seas rocking back and forth. We were given candy and a lunch and ended the trip in Portland. You had to get back to Boston on our own.

I actually shot a lot of film that day but something went wrong with the processing and all I have is a few cloudy, washed out negatives. It is too bad.

After I wrote the blog entry for the Seashore Trolley Museum yesterday, I thought we should take a trip to the Shoreline Trolley Museum in Connecticut. But we got a late start and kind of meandered around. The Maine museum is an hour closer, we had promised the Little Helper a chance to ride another trolley, so we found ourselves back in Maine.
Boston Elevated

It was transit day at the museum, so we saw an old Boston trackless trolley driving around the yard and number of old buses, as well as some nice trolleys and subway cars under power. We ended up riding in the Boston Elevated car I took a photo of a few weeks back.
A West Virginian



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