As the blizzard was winding down I grabbed my camera and took to the streets of Boston. I didn't have much to do in the office, so I thought I would make a better contribution by getting some photos of the aftermath. Among the place I ended up going was South Station, where they were using a pair of Amtrak Genesis units to clear the tracks.
South Station track maintenance |
South Station's platforms, which are usually busy, seemed off devoid of any people and trains. There were a couple of guys shoveling snow, but beyond that I had free run of the place. When the Genesis unit stopped it ended up next to a Tropicana Orange Juice ad calling for "portable sunshine." The contrast between the ice covered unit and the call for sun amused me. Apparently I was the only one because I submitted this photo a couple of different places and nobody wanted it.
"Portable Sunshine" |
I got pretty cold at that point, so I made my way back to the office. When I got back to the 28th floor I decided to take a shot out the window toward Cambridge and managed to catch two Red Line trains crossing the Longfellow Bridge. That was the end of my railroad shots for the day and pretty much the end of my work for the day. I filed one more report about snow depths and then went back out to look for a cab home.
Longfellow Bridge. |