Union Pacific at Wymola

I took this series in May 2010 in Wymola, Arizona, which is about halfway between Tuscon and Phoenix. This is where I first got the idea for this blog. I had a chance to go to Tuscon and while I was there I started thinking: I wonder how many states I can take photos in? I didn't know I'd still be at it five years later, but here I am.

Anyway, I drove out into the desert on Interstate 10 following the Union Pacific mainline as I went. As it was early May, it still wasn't oppressive in the desert. In fact, it was quite nice. I passed an north/west bound intermodal holding at a signal and got off the highway. It didn't take long for the eastbound to show up.

The crewman watched the eastbound pass and after it went through he got back on his unit. And pretty soon they were back on the road heading west. I love being out in the desert when it isn't too hot. There are few places in the East where you can find that kind of silence. But if you go far enough out in the West there you lose the cars, the planes and even the trains and it is quiet.


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